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I'm always horny i have a 'friend with benefits' but he can't keep up with me. Update: My 'friend' has a girlfriend now so I need to replace him looking for Must be clean,nice,and be willing to have lots of great sex I love to give so you must enjoy that. Married is ok as long as I won't have a jealous wife coming after me...lol..I do have pictures but,for some reason they won't load on here. Would send you a picture,all you have to do is ask.
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we measure life not by loss nor by gain nor by the wine drunk but by the wine poured forth i have a good heart, a strong sense of morality and a deep-seated devotion to love built on the foundation of compassion.i love to laugh and smile but there is serious side to me also. this sometimes gets the best of me, but i always take what others say seriously and i believe in people, because without beliefit is very difficult for us to live. -i am the type of person who does not fear showing the depth of my emotions or speaking my mind. -i am a very loving and loyal person, and sometimes others have used this to take advantage of me. but, deep in my heart i have never resented this, for by temperament i have a good nature that is warm, happy and always willing to be of help to those in need. maybe this sounds like goals that might be too lofty, but my philosophy has always been to aim high, and not be disappointed when all does not come about to my anticipation`s. at least i feel so much more alive having tried then not having tried at all. this is very important to know that we have tried everything to achieve our happiness and our love.... someone much wiser then i had once said, "it is far better to have loved and have lost then not to have tried at all" and i believe to be so true. -i really like making friends, but it takes time. all the friends i have are true friends and we`ve known each other for so many years. that`s friendship, and it`s something you can`t buy!
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Bicurious female looking for expiranced bi sexual female for threesom Im here to furfill a fantasy i have been having for a long time. I want to have a threesom with a xpireanced bi sexual female that that will fuck me, suck me, lick me, use me as much as i want while my boyfriend watchs or helps. toy are cool with us. Im willing to eat pussy as long as your willing to teach me : )'
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